Monday, November 29, 2010

La Lumière de la Vie

Life is a lot like candle light
So vibrant and bright
But so easily snuffed out.

Rest In Peace E.L. ♥
[an acquaintance of mine who passed away from a car accident. D': ]

Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Tridge

What is a 'Tridge', you may ask? Well, it is just what it sounds like. A bridge with three spans! (Picture is not mine, but I hope it helps give a better picture of what the Tridge actually is.)
It's quite cool, actually. Last weekend I was in the town where it was located and shot some pictures. I have to say I'm very pleased with how they turned out. These are all SOOC (Straight Out Of Camera) - meaning there was no editing! All I did was crop them and give them the sepia tone (yeah.. I'm addicted to black and white/sepia). Honestly, I usually do a little bit of color-enhancement, contrast, adjust the brightness levels, etc. Just making small tweaks that improve the photo, but these I really didn't want to, or need to. I think these are my best photos in a long time.

This is a view from the bank of the river. I like how the branches of the tree sort of 'frame' the photo. The texture from the smooth and rippling water is nice as well.

This is a picture standing at the entry to go on to one of the spans. The walkway sort of leads in to the distance in this shot, which I like. It's a foot bridge - meaning only walking, or biking, roller blading, etc. I love the light and the shadows, it creates a lot of good, contrasting lines.

The last and final of the three best shots of the day. This one is darker than the other ones, but I think it has the best picture of the water. The reflection is perfect! When I looked at the thumbnail, it almost looked upside down since it's such a mirror image in the water. The brambles of twigs creep up the edge of the photo, too.


Well, some more photography. I really like these three shots for some reason, I'm not why. Hope you enjoy them as well!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Can You See Me?

Can you see me
Through the ivy
Climbing up the wall?

Can you see me
Through the raindrops
Falling to the ground?

Can you see me
Through the sun light
Glinting up above?

Can you see me
In your dreams
When I catch you as you fall?


I know, I know, it's becoming a terrible habit of mine to post in poem form. I hope my awful writing doesn't annoy you all too much. But this is a post, none the less! Two in the past few days, that's pretty good for me, haha! Anyways, I have a shed in my yard and it has these vines growing up the sides. I was outside yesterday looking for a place to take a picture, and I realized I could take it there! It's a really nice place, actually, I'm sorry I didn't think of it sooner.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Black And White

"Black and white are starkly different, but they make many shades of gray."-Moi
A glance around me shows
The world is content,
Yet I am not.
The distant thought hiding
Will not surface.

The world is not simply
Made of good and evil
Right and wrong.
Black and white.
So many things lie in between.

My shell, my armor
May protect my physical being,
But it cannot protect my mentality.

What is worth it?
Worth the tears, the sacrifice?
They say it's the
The simple beauties.
The everyday miracles.
But even I
No longer see the novelty.

I am.

Well... that was rather depressing, wasn't it? Yeah, sorry for the dark poem up there. ^-^ I'm not suicidal or anything, I promise. The inspiration just kind of hit me. Black and white photos usually do that - inspire. I don't think it's a big secret that I love black and white photography. It's an unhealthy obsession, haha! I think it's classy, elegant, vintage, and has an feeling of mystery as well.

Some photos just demand to be taken in these tones, like the ones I included. These are the last in my secret storage of never-before-seen photos. I took them Spring of 2010, but just for myself. I didn't think they turned out very well (the first one looks like an illustration?) but since I've neglected this blog so much, I decided to post them.

Anyways, I again apologize for the lack of posts, but in this one I'm going to bore you with random facts about myself! Yipee! In light of a recent lovely (sarcasm - it was really troll-ish) message I received on flickr, I'm in a pretty good mood. Well that's a contradictory sentence, now isn't it? People who try to insult you 'lyk dis' amuse me and I find it pretty funny. My troubles seem quite small after I hear those crazies. It's like a good friend of mine said "Every time I read something like that, it reminds how stupid all the people are around me." Not implying that those reading this or stupid, or anything. I think you get the point. :)
So, I feel like I rant about everything and have had this blog for almost two years, yet no one really knows all that much about me outside of the AG's. I thought I would share some random facts about myself, not like anyone really cares...

Now for the fun part! Random facts:
  • AP Bio is my favorite school subject. It's an insane amount of work, but I love it!
  • I've met the man who was the first person to teach genetics in Russia.
  • I'm a nerd. Plain and simple. Which is why I find the above fact interesting.
  • My birthday is September 11th. :/
  • I could eat raw cookie dough until I barf :P
  • I've never dyed my hair.
  • I love Harry Potter (hopefully seeing the seventh movie this weekend)
  • Glee is my guilty pleasure. Every time I see it, I think how stupid it is, but yet there I am, watching it and having a smile on my face.
  • I'm really, really socially awkward, shy, and quiet in real life.
  • I like creative writing, but I never finish any stories I start.
  • I wish I could draw figures, like people. I'm a decent artist, but anywhere near as good as I'd like.
  • All my grandparents have passed away.
  • Chinese movies are the most hilarious things on the planet.
  • I've never gotten less than an A- on a report card. :D
  • I play soccer, volleyball, basketball, and run cross country.
  • Jeopardy! is an awesome show.
  • I love band!
  • I'm a fan of anti-humor, the punch line of a joke is so logical it's funny. Example - "What does the man say when he burns his finger on the stove? Ouch, that hurt!" "What's red and has the consistency of blue paint? Red paint." ... Reading this, it sounds really stupid. I guess it's a QB thing.
  • I've never broken a bone.
  • I'm a terrible dancer. Emphasis on the terrible.
  • I haven't worn a dress in... who knows how long.
  • I've jumped 20 feet off of a cliff/ledge and into a river. It's pretty exhilarating, not 'gonna lie. ;D
Okay, congratulations if you actually read through all that. Thank you if read through it, and actually cared and/ or found it weird/interesting/random. Well, I was bored and had nothing else to do. (Well actually, I have a lot of stuff to do but I'm procrastinating...)

Over and out!

*Disclaimer: Not that they're much to begin with, and I think you're crazy if you want to steal them, but all quotes, poems, and pictures are my property!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Cricket Chirp? Echo?

I feel bad. Just plain bad. I haven't updated in over four weeks! That's absolutely terrible, and I'm so sorry. And even in this post to say sorry, I don't even have anything of relevance. No photos, no stories, nothing. The AG's haven't gotten much attention lately. I'm very busy. Mainly school work, especially AP Bio. I love it to death, but and it's a very large course load. Eek! College!

Hopefully during Thanksgiving Break I'll have some free time for pictures and posts.