Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Pauvre Brooke, mais Ivy et je suis des amis de nouveau, plus spoiler doll!

*The title means poor Brooke, but Ivy and I are friends again in French. I think you can read spoiler doll, I hope...*
Poor Brooke, it is a sad day. She's a bit depressed (not really, but very sad). She lost some money out of purse, and now comes home to this: the lot on eBay that she's been watching (that includes my kitty!) is getting expensive, almost too expensive for her, and it still has 3 days left! That is plenty of time for the price to go way higher than Brooke could ever afford. I'm not sure quite why she wants that particular lot on eBay though. You know why? It includes MARISOL, and a bunch of her outfits. Oh gosh, not another one (no offence to any other Marisol's, its just the one here has developed a slightly ditsy, know-it-all personality). I'm getting tired of new sisters, even though Brooke still wants a ton of dolls (yeah, they probably weigh a ton all together*just kidding!*).

Well now that my little rant is done, time for the big news,

We now have kind of a name, "Ave and Ive". I think it's kind of stupid, but that's what people have been calling us lately, especially Brooke :P
It was pretty funny, because we both came up to each other, and wanted to apologize at the same time! I'm glad we're friends again, I couldn't have gone much longer without talking to her. I know Ivy's Chinese, not Japanese, but she made an origami crane, just our size. She says it "symbolizes our friendship". I'm not all for the sappy stuff, but I really like it, and I think it's sweet of her to make it for me. I watched her fold the paper, and wow! It looks really complicated! The picture I have isn't the greatest, sorry.

REBECCA! I love her hat! I'm glad another doll has hazel eyes, Mia and #21 are feeling a little lonely. Isn't she pretty?

And a little note:
Happy Cinco De Mayo to any Mexican friends (or any friends at all, really!) For those of you who don't know what Cinco De Mayo is, google it! Just kidding, I believe it is the Mexican independence day, put I'm not positive.
Edited to Add-It is to celebrate when the Mexican defeated the French! :)
A-ra-ra-ra-cha! A-ra-ra-ra-cha! Da-da-da-da-da-da-da!
LOL, I hope someone recognizes that...


  1. Rebecca! I'm kind of sad because it looks like she will have red hair. :( I will only get her if she has brown hair and then only maybe. I have specific requirements.
    Anyway, Cinco De Mayo is actually not Mexican Independence Day, I believe that is in September sometime; today is actually a commemoration of a battle the Mexicans won against the French. So, just a little info...
    I'm glad you and Ivy are friends again, that's great! I knew you would make up! :)


  2. Starr,
    I think she might have Nicki's or Marisol's color hair, although it does look really red in the photo.

    Yeah, you're right! I just looked it up on wikipedia.


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