Monday, December 27, 2010

Two Years

It's Avery-Here's second blog-o-versary (yes... I made that word up). I can't believe it's been two years since I started this blog. I can tell how much my writing/photography has really improved. Seriously. It's drastic. :P As much as I hate this saying - time really does fly with you're having fun. Thank you to all my readers who put up with my long absences, rants, terrible posts and photos, etc. I really do appreciate it. I wish I could give you all a gold star and a cookie.

I hope everyone is having a happy holiday and new year! A post to come in the near future with my Christmas gift and the newest arrival. Aha, suspense!


  1. Happy two-year blogoversary! I remember your first blogoversary (gosh, time flies really fast). And a new arrival...can't wait to see who it is!

  2. Hey Brooke!
    I'm crashing my dolls account (go figure...haha!) but this is Hallie from Sisters in Heart. I took a long break, but I am back to blog!
    I have loved your blog since I first found it about a year ago. I've loved all of it!
    Yay for a good two years!

  3. Hi Brooke! Happy Blog-o-versy! I've always enjoyed reading your blog, and I think your photos and posts are great!! :)

  4. Hi, Brooke! I love your blog and all of your dolls. :)
    Happy second blog-o-versary!

    Sunny and Cali

  5. Hi, Brooke. Happy second blog-o-versary! Your blog is awesome. :)
    Sravana and Rebecca


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1) Be respectful and appropriate. No swear words, be nice, etc. I shouldn't really have to tell anyone this...

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3) You are allowed to advertise your own blog, but try keep it minimal, and try to comment something relevant as well.

4) When commenting, please try to sign your name or log in. I like to know who I'm hearing from!