Saturday, July 31, 2010

Blueberry Picking - Cueillette De Bleuets

Outside in the sun
Fruit ripe, ready for picking

Hair blows in the breeze

It is a wonderful day, the perfect kind; sunny but not humid, warm with a cool breeze. What better to do than to get outside with such fine weather! Mia noticed that the blueberries were beginning to ripen about a week ago, and went back to check them today to find them ready to pick! The tangy but sweet blue fruits are Miss St. Clair's favorite, so she found it especially pleasing when moving here to learn that Mondale had its own bushes out back for a continuous supply of berries throughout the late summer months.

This is the first 'harvest' that many have been looking forward to! Mia has a whole basket full of blueberries, perhaps we'll bake a pie later?


On another note, I (Brooke) am getting very fed up with flickr/picnik. I keep trying to re-size photos and it destroys the quality of them. :/
I don't know if it's a setting on my camera or what, but it is getting really frustrating, so that is part of the reason there is a lack of pictures lately. I hope that made sense.



  1. Ooh, yum! Blueberries are some of my favorites, next to blackberries of course! Mondale is lucky to have access to such delicious summer treats.

    I am surprised that Mia had a full basket of the berries, though. I'd have stuffed more in my mouth than the basket!


  2. Fresh blueberries! You are so lucky - ours always come from the grocery store and we don't get to go berry picking around here. Beautiful pictures!

    -Lucie and Juliette

  3. You're lucky you have blueberries!! All we have growing here is cucumbers....:S

  4. Lovely pictures! We have a raspberry bush in my backyard, but it is so overgrown that my parents are contemplating taking it out. :( Oh well. I don't do much photo editing and when I do, I usually can't tell because my glasses get so very dirty. Maybe you didn't clean your glasses...?

  5. Beautiful photos! We have a few blueberry bushes too. They are delicious! By the way, I never edit photos. And maybe you do need to clean your glasses!

  6. Wow - it's gorgeous there! All we have here is ugly fan palm trees and dying grapefruits :(
    Beautiful photos!



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