Sunday, May 16, 2010

A Letter For Avery

Mondale Preparatory Academy For Girls
c/o Avery-Marie V. Voisin: Dorm 12A
4597 Holland Lane
Yorkshire, MI 49123

Miss Voisin,
Officials in attendance at Mondale's annual eighth grade science fair were highly impressed by your experiment and research on the Leidenfrost Effect and your award of first place. Upon further investigation, we spoke to your counselor, Miss Jennifer Neil, who, legally, gave us a bit of information on you. We also were in contact with a few of your teachers, who spoke very highly of you, Avery.

With your outstanding academic performance and grade point average, not to mention your activity in the school band program, student council, soccer team, and Nation Junior Honor Society, we would like to cordially invite you to attend Rosenbrock Academy for your ninth grade year.

Rosenbrock is also a boarding school only about twenty miles from Mondale. It is an advanced academy for the academically gifted. We would be honored to have you attend on a full ride scholarship. Rosenbrock can challenge your mind, extend your learning, and help you to be the best that you can be.

Rosenbrock has an excellent mathematics and science department headed by Dr. Terry M. Gold, a graduate of the University of Michigan. There is also an English and Literature program, headed by Miss Nancy J. Simonds, of the University of Phoenix, and a History department lead by the Mr. Jason L. Douglas. Our music program has been recognized nationally for our streak of Division One's at competitions, and the conductor, Mr. Dylan W. Lolan, of Western University, has been in the field for over twenty-five years. There are many successful sport organizations, art and foreign language classes, clubs, and other student activities.

We have much to offer here, and would love for you to consider our offer. Please be in contact, and we can sort this out with yourself and family members.
-James K. Palmers (5/16/10)

Avery here, and I know not what to say. This letter arrived this morning. Could I be leaving Mondale...for good?

*The address and names in the post are completely fictional, and not meant to represent any real places or people. If, by chance, they are accurate, it is by pure coincidence. The names of the Universities, however, are not fictional, but the graduates are not meant to signify any real people.


  1. Wow, félicitations Avery! Rosenbrock sounds like an incredible school. Let us know if you decide to go!


  2. Oh wow, congrats!

    I know leaving Mondale might be hard, but Rosenbrock sounds amazing! Keep us updated!

  3. I just realized something! You may not have noticed but you said Holland Lane and it is similar to Lanie Holland. LOL!


  4. Seems like an amazing school, but would you miss your friends at Mondale? :s


  5. That school sounds great...if you decide to go, let us know! That's a wonderful experience!

  6. Congratulations! That school sounds outstanding. And full ride scholarship? Amazing!

  7. You should be honored, Avery! You're a great student and you deserve to go to such an amazing school as Rosenbrock. But I could see how you might miss your friends. Whatever decision you choose is for the best! :)


  8. Hey there, Avery! I love your blog, and this post sounds like a great one! Congrats! I go to a boarding school at Saint Maria's School for girls. If you want to know more about me, just check out my blog at:

    Have a great day, and I hope you choose whatever your heart desires!


  9. Oh my gosh, the school sounds amazing! What are you going to do??

  10. What a wonderful sounding school! I hope you accept, but it's all your decision. What will YOU do?
    Good luck!


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