Saturday, April 3, 2010

Holy Toledo! That was fast!

I just can't believe that the Melody Valerie Couture Spring Line is practically sold out all ready. Curse me for having a life and not being able to order the second they popped up online! Haha, just kidding! They were absolutely stunning dresses, though. My favorite was the 'Mint Vivacity', closely followed by the 'Sweet Darling'. Sadly, both are sold out, though the other dress, 'Stripes Ahoy!' is growing on me. Although I'm kind of depressed about the fact that the dresses I liked sold out (sorry to sound all spoiled-like here), I know that the people who did get the dresses will love them! Congrats on an extremely successful spring line, MVC! I'm so happy that you sold out so quickly!


  1. Sorry about not being able to get the dress you wanted. I'm beginning to feel slightly guilty, because I did, somehow end up getting a Mint Vivacity dress. That's probably because I spend all my time reading, on the computer.. or doing photography or Visual Arts. ..Well, the Stripes Ahoy dress is definitely adorable.

  2. Don't feel guilty, Camille! Congrats, I hope you enjoy the dress. :)

  3. Avery, I feel the exact same way! :)
    My favourites were Mint Vivacity and Stripes Ahoy. But even though Sitara could have theoretically got them, and has money, she's a really mean pennypinching college-obsessive girl and she wouldn't buy a single one. Also her father and mother did not want to buy her :( (sorry for my mini rant) :'(

    Camille, I'm glad you got one of the dresses! As a visual artist, you have a great eye for photography and I can't wait for your pictures of it. :D

  4. Kylie got a Sweet darling dress because she asked her dad if he would order it for her and he said yes.

  5. I can't believe how quickly they sold out...but I only HEARD about couture pretty recently, so what should I know? LOL!


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