Wednesday, January 6, 2010


"Midterms [mid-turms]- Noun. Informal. An examination or series of examinations at the middle of a school term."

Midterms. Not fun.
Midterms=crazy long hours of studying.
Midterms=absurd amount of homework.
Midterms=sleep deprivation.
Midterms=no social life, or internet/blog life for the matter.

Welcome to January, the month of midterm preparations. Needless to say, everyone is freaking out. Including me. I'm crazily studying for the exams. I'm especially nervous about my Algebra test. It's worth 1/3 of my grade. :o Since it is technically a high-school class (I'm in the 8th grade, but learning in an advanced class with 9th grade Algebra), the grade I get also counts for my GPA. O_o Needless to say, I'm just a bit worried.
My science homework is also overwhelming. Table of Elements, here I come! Unfortunately, that's the easy stuff... And plus, there's that lurking science fair in a few weeks.
History is unmerciful, I'm cramming so many dates and names into my head I think I'll explode. When, in 'real life', will I ever need to know that Martin Van Buren, 'of Dutch descent', was born in 1782, the son of a tavernkeeper and farmer, in Kinderhook, New York?!?!?

I have loads of homework, and a bunch of tests coming up (not including the actual exams!) Avery is not happy. Sorry, not sure why I'm talking in third person. But yeah, this is why I have not been posting much...
Sorry about the spasm of a post above, as well...



  1. Tests, in general, are overwhelming so I can imagine how midterms must feel. I don't have to do them but I do have a bunch of important exams coming up in my two worst subjects, pre-algebra and life science.
    Good luck! I know you'll do fine, Avery!


  2. Oh holy macaroni, this sounds stressful!
    I feel sorry for you!
    I don't handle midterms for a while.
    Never experienced them.
    Good luck, we're cheering for you! (:

  3. Oh gosh that sounds horrible! I feel so bad. Good luck!

  4. Oh, I feel so bad! I'm a mere sixth grader so it's not so bad for me, but it's the first year I've had midterms so I'm not sure I should say that just yet...yeiks!

    Sitara is supposed to be starting to study for hers, but she likes to pretend they don't exist until the week before so that she doesn't get "terminally suffocated by stress".

    Good luck, especially for Algebra & the science fair!

    ~Ruth Ann

    P.S. Sitara says, "at the science fair, don't even look at notecards when you're presenting. Judges will think notecards means someone else did the work, don't ask me how I know this. Also, speak loudly and maintain eye contact. If you can, talk to someone you know at the fair when no-one wants you to present to them--it'll help you destress. Good luck!"

  5. I am a grade ahead in math too, I am in sixth so I am doing pre-algebra, but I love being a level ahead, that is just how I am! My exams aren't until may, but good luck on all of your exams!

    Ellaine })({
    Ruthie's View

  6. Midterms are totally stressful! Mine are coming up soon, which reminds me, I need to freshen up on my Spanish! I feel for you. Good luck....I'm sure you'll do fine!
    ~Sabine B.

  7. I know how you feel. I even have a Mid-Term in P.E.! Plus, My first midterm has material we just learned last classperiod. I have to agree on the history as well...


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