Saturday, January 9, 2010

Winter Wonderland

Yay, it's the weekend! :) Here in MI we got a nice weekend surprise; five inches of snow! It came over Thursday night/Friday/and it is still snowing today. Everything looks so pretty, all the trees are covered in ice and snow. Finally winter has came! I was beginning to get worried that we would never have a substantial amount of "the white stuff".
Personally, I love snow! I'm glad that a thick, white blanket has fallen over Mondale (my boarding school). This morning I got bundled up in my new sweater and went outside. Erin came along as well. Her and I have been getting to be good friends.

Anyways, we went out into the woods to play in the snow! We had a lot of fun, and Brooke snapped some pictures.

I hope my readers are having a wonderful weekend!


  1. Ooh, snow!!! Snow day pictures are so pretty. I love Erin's and your wintry outfits.

    Have a great weekend!


  2. Over here in Newfoundland we got some snow, too! :D

  3. WANT SNOW! WANT SNOW! You are sooooo lucky! We have only had a very thin layer.

  4. Hi Avery! I just wanted to tell you my new profile name is Dream. I just wanted to change things up.:)



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